
Endodontics treatment

General Treatment - Root canal Therapy

What is a root canal

When is it necessary?

The dental pulp, contained within the tooth, commonly indicated with the term "nerve of the tooth," is actually a highly specialized connective tissue containing arteries, veins, nerves and connective cells
Following a deep caries and related bacterial contamination, or following a trauma, the pulp undergoes infection and inflammation: is the framework, clinically often painful, of pulpitis.

The acute or chronic inflammation (ie more or less rapid in its evolution) can propagate outside of root decay and diffuse alveolar bone surrounding causing injury defined as abscess, granuloma or cyst and visible in radiography as a 'dark area (bone loss) around the apex of the root .

In these cases the indication to an endodontic treatment is absolute, being the only alternative to the extraction of the element in question.
Another indication of the endodontic treatment is the remake of a previous endodontic treatment performed poorly or failed: endodontic retreatment.

What is endodontic treatment?
The endodontic treatment is the removal of the pulp tissue both at the level of the crown is at the level of the roots and replacing the removed tissue with a filling permanent gutta percha and root canal cement, after adequate disinfection and shaping of root canals

How long is the session?
The endodontic treatment can also be quite long especially for molars, as it may require one or more sessions as appropriate. The operating times of the endodontic treatment are the following:
- Local anesthesia (the entire treatment is completely painless and in the case of pulp now gone in necrosis or retreatment anesthesia is not even necessary).
- Reconstruction of the temporary dental crown when it is destroyed, in order to work in optimal conditions of isolation of the operative field.

- Isolation of the surgical field through the so-called "rubber dam". It is a rubber sheet stretched by a metal bow and held in situ by a metal hook

- It serves to isolate the tooth from saliva but especially prevents dangerous ingestion or inhalation of disinfectants and sharp instruments.
- Opening of the pulp chamber through the dental crown.
- Obtaining or channels.
Measuring the length of each channel (from the crown to the apex foramen of the root) through the use of an apex locator and an intraoral radiography. The dose of radiation absorbed in the execution of an X-ray of dental use is minimal (just think that to have an initial damage to the lens for radiation passing in the vicinity of the eye, are needed well 10,900 intraoral radiographs).

The risk / benefit ratio is highly in favor of the benefit and therefore a proper root canal therapy - Preparation of the channels through endodontic instruments that remove the pulp canal, bacteria and infectious substances, creating at the same time a cone shape, suitable to receive the filling material washing with sodium hypochlorite, powerful antiseptic and solvent of the protein substances (bacteria and residues pulp), to obtain an aseptic environment as possible.

Obturation of the root canal with gutta-percha, plasticizzabile material with heat, associated with the root canal cement.
- Temporary filling.
- Radiographic testing of the end of care.
- Reconstruction of the tooth.

Finally, especially for the premolars and molars, is strongly recommended overcoating prosthetic crown or inlay by means of the cusps in order to avoid the fracture coronal or root of the tooth, tooth decay and weakened by the previous (although in minimally) by the procedures necessary for the implementation of a correct endodontic therapy.

Will it hurt?
During the treatment the pain is completely absent through local anesthesia and even where this is not used (teeth with necrotic pulp or retreatment) Intraoperative pain is nonexistent. A soreness, which may be subjectively more or less slight, is almost always present in the two to three days after the root canal. Can be addressed by any analgesic. In very rare cases, particularly in infected roots, because of the mobilization and the passage of bacteria beyond the apex, can develop an abscess, obviously painful; the onset of these complications do not affect the success of endodontic therapy began. In these cases you need to get through the drainage channels: this can obviously run back for a few minutes in the studio.

What you get with the endodontic treatment?
The recovery of the tooth and the possibility of its reintegration functional (with the prosthetic restoration) in the dental arch.
The success rate of endodontic treatment is correct, under normal conditions, very high, very close to 100% as almost no other medical or surgical therapy.
The percentage decreases in the case of reprocessing, ie when the root canal has already been made previously inadequately (root canal fillings court, instrumentation errors, the presence of anatomical variations, etc.).
In these cases we can perform surgery with apicectomy el 'retrograde filling of the root canal and this greatly increases the chances of success.

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